
At the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra’s rehearsal of Relish in Immature Bombast in 2012.

I compose and arrange works for orchestras, chamber ensembles, choirs, classical soloists… all sorts that might be classified as “dots-on-paper”. (Also comedy songs and musicals – see Comedy Songmaker and Music Director.)

My compositions are represented by SOUNZ: Centre for New Zealand Music. You can buy scores and view my profile and see videos and stuff —> here.

I also have music on other people’s albums: check those out at my Albums page.

With Ross Harris at the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra’s recording of Feral, Wellington, 2009.

I held the 2012 University of Otago Mozart Fellowship, a one-year full-time composer residency in Dunedin, New Zealand. I’ve also been the Auckland Youth Orchestra Composer-in-Residence (2012), and I’ve won competitions like the NZSO/Todd Young Composers Award (2009), and the Douglas Lilburn Memorial Prize (2006 & 2007).

There are letters after my name which indicate I know how to compose good: I have a Bachelor of Music (Honours) in Composition from the University of Auckland, where I studied with John Elmsly, Eve de Castro-Robinson, and John Coulter.

Orchestral Comedy

In 2019, I got to create a show with conductor Mina Zikri and the Oistrakh Symphony of Chicago. Take a look at some of the video, including the academically questionable musical history lessons.

This one incorporates my original mash-up Monty Python’s Flying Dutchman:


Performing the Root Vegetable Opera with Jonathan Berkahn, Wellington, 2014.

I compose musicals too. (Also see Music Director.) These have included (co-written with):

  • Alien Locusts from Beyond the Stars! (C.J. Tuor, Chicago, 2017)
  • Olive Copperbottom (Penny Ashton, Auckland and on tour, 2017 onwards)
  • Camp Psychopathways (Danny Galvin & Brad Pike, Chicago, 2016)
  • Ask Your Doctor (Jillian Mueller, Chicago, 2016-17)
  • The Great Annoyance Melodrama and Vaudeville Holiday Revue (C.J. Tuor, Chicago, 2015)
  • Self-Starters (Danny Galvin, Andi Sharavsky, Gretchen Eng & Jonathan Love, Chicago, 2015)
  • At Least We Have Our Jobs (Francesca Emms, Radio New Zealand Wellington, 2013)
  • Annie & Joshua (Thomas Sainsbury, Auckland, 2013)
  • Promise & Promiscuity (Penny Ashton, Auckland and on tour, 2013 onwards)

Who has performed my music?


Chamber ensembles:

Choirs and vocal ensembles:

Other performers:

  • Stephen De Pledge (piano)
  • Buz Bryant-Greene (piano)
  • John Van Buskirk (piano)
  • Doug Peck (piano)
  • Luis Galvez (piano, tenor)
  • Chihsuan Yang (violin)
  • Tessa Petersen (violin)
  • Victoria Moreira (violin)
  • Sarah McCracken (violin)
  • Zachary Montasser (violin)
  • Blake Allen (viola)
  • Aurélien Pétillot (viola)
  • Emma Dann (viola)
  • Alex McFarlane (viola)
  • Anna McGregor (clarinets)
  • Yvette Audain (clarinet, saxophones)
  • Nick Cornish (saxophone)
  • Airan Wright (saxophone)
  • Reuben Chin (saxophone)
  • David Kay (horn, conductor)
  • Thomas Eves (trumpet)
  • Jono Sawyer (drums)
  • Tim Noon (organ)
  • Frances Moore (soprano)
  • Rose Guccione (soprano)
  • Roxann Ferguson (mezzo soprano)
  • Andrew Grenon (tenor)
  • Daniel O’Connor (baritone)
  • Stuart Devenie (actor)
  • Hamish McKeich (conductor)
  • Kenneth Young (conductor)
  • Marc Taddei (conductor)